

About a week ago, I was scrolling through Reddit and came across a post in r/sysadmin, Get list of aliases in Gsuite/Gmail.

I took a few minutes to install and configure PSGSuite, a module for interacting with G Suite (Google Apps) API that I heard about sometime last year. In short order, I was able to provide a response to the post.

This module allows you to work with GSuite users, groups, sheets, and more. See the wiki for details.

This post will take you through creating organizational units, users, and groups, and assigning users to groups, and listing users with email aliases.

For fun, I’ve created a custom schema and attribute, EmployeeType, that will help categorize our users.

Note: I manually created a /test organizational unit and blocked automatic assignment of a license since I’m using my personal G Suite account. I don’t want any surprises at the end of the month.


I am not affiliated with PSGSuite project, other than being a very new, casual user of the module. Please visit the GitHub repo or wiki for help with commands or to raise an issue.

Basic User Process

This list covers the basic workflow that we will be following.

  1. Create Organizational Units
  2. Create Groups
  3. Create Users
  4. Assign Users to Groups
  5. Get User Account Info


PSGSuite Module

I followed the project’s wiki Initial Setup page and the configuration went smoothly and quickly.

Custom Attribute in G Suite

Here are the basic steps I used to create the custom attribute in G Suite.

  1. Login to https://admin.google.com.
  2. Go to Users.
  3. Click on Manage Custom Attributes icon, next to Download Users.
  5. For Category, I used CustomUniversity. This will be the name of the custom schema that is applied to users.
  6. For Description, I used ‘All custom attributes for the university’.
  7. Then, in the entry for Custom Fields, I used the following:
Name Info Type Visibility No. of Values
EmployeeType text visible to domain single value

Once I saved the custom schema, I verified that I had entered everything correctly by managing user attributes again and selecting the category.



I created the following data in a Google Sheets spreadsheet called UserManagement. These two sheets will be used to provide the required data for all steps of the process.

Sheet: Users

FullName GivenName FamilyName Email EmployeeType
Donald Edwards Donald Edwards [email protected] Staff
Leslie Myers Leslie Myers [email protected] Staff
Emily Jones Emily Jones [email protected] Faculty
Larry Brooks Larry Brooks [email protected] Faculty

Sheet: Groups

Name Email Description OrgUnitPath
Business [email protected] Business Department /test/business
Academics [email protected] Academics Department /test/academics

Note: I used Doug Finke’s NameIT module to produce random names.

User Process

To begin, we need to import the module and then use the command Get-GSDriveFileList to find the Google Sheet where our data is stored.

Next, we use the command Import-GSSheet to import our user and group data.

# Import module
Import-Module -Name PSGSuite

# Discover spreadsheet Id in drive file list
$Spreadsheet = Get-GSDriveFileList -Filter "name = 'UserManagement'"

# Get data from each sheet from Google spreadsheet
$UserData = Import-GSSheet -SpreadsheetId $Spreadsheet.Id -SheetName 'Users'
$GroupData = Import-GSSheet -SpreadsheetId $Spreadsheet.Id -SheetName 'Groups'

Create Organizational Units

We use Get-GSOrganizationalUnit to determine if the OU exists. And then we use New-GSOrganizationalUnit to create it if it does not.

foreach ($Group in $GroupData) {
    $SplitPath = $Group.OrgUnitPath -Split '/'
    $ParentPath = $SplitPath[0..($SplitPath.Count -2)] -join '/'
    $OUPath = $SplitPath[-1]

    $OrgUnit = Get-GSOrganizationalUnit -SearchBase $Group.OrgUnitPath -SearchScope Base -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($OrgUnit) {
        "Org Unit {0} exists at {1}" -f $OrgUnit.OrgUnitPath,$OrgUnit.ParentOrgUnitPath
    } else {
        "Org Unit {0} does not exist; attempting to create in {1}" -f $Group.OrgUnitPath,$ParentPath
        try {
            $GSOrgUnit = New-GSOrganizationalUnit -Name $OUPath.ToLower() -ParentOrgUnitPath $ParentPath -Description $Group.Description
            "Created {0} : {1}" -f $GSOrgUnit.OrgUnitPath,$GSOrgUnit.Description
        catch {
            "Unable to create {0}" -f $Group.OrgUnitPath

Create Groups

Using the command Get-GSGroup, we check if the group exists. If the group does not already exist, use New-GSGroup to create the group from the spreadsheet.

foreach ($Group in $GroupData) {
    $GSGroup = Get-GSGroup -Group $Group.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($GSGroup) {
        "Group {0} exists" -f $Group.Name
    } else {
        "Group {0} does not exist; attempting to create" -f $Group.Name
        try {
            $NewGSGroup = New-GSGroup -Name $Group.Name -Email $Group.Email -Description $Group.Description
            "Created {0} : {1}" -f $NewGSGroup.Name,$NewGSGroup.Description
        catch {
            "Unable to create {0}" -f $Group.Name

Create Users

Create the users listed in the spreadsheet.

  1. First, determine the department based on the user type.
  2. Using the department, set the variable for the org unit path.
  3. Create the required hashtable for CustomSchemas to add the EmployeeType to the user.
  4. Generate a random secure password.
  5. Using the command New-GSUser, create the new user.
  6. If the user is successfully created, use the command New-GSUserAlias for best effort to create an email alias based on the user’s full name.
foreach ($User in $UserData) {
    $Domain = $User.Email.Split('@')[1]
    switch ($User.UserType) {
        'Faculty' { $Department = 'Academics'}
        'Staff'   { $Department = 'Business' }

    # Set OU path
    $OrgUnitPath = $GroupData.Where({$_.Name -eq $Department}).OrgUnitPath

    # Set employee type custom schema
    $CustomSchemas = @{
        CustomUniversity = @{
            EmployeeType = $User.UserType

    # Set a random secure string
    $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String (Get-RandomPassword) -AsPlainText -Force

    $NewGSUserParams = @{
        PrimaryEmail = $User.Email
        FullName = $User.FullName
        GivenName = $User.GivenName
        FamilyName = $User.FamilyName
        OrgUnitPath = $OrgUnitPath
        CustomSchemas = $CustomSchemas
        Password = $Password
    $NewUser = New-GSUser @NewGSUserParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($NewUser) {
        'Created user {0} with primary email {1}' -f $User.FullName,$User.Email
    } else {
        'Failed to create user {0}' -f $User.Email

    New-GSUserAlias -User $NewUser.PrimaryEmail -Alias ( $NewUser.Name.FullName.Replace(' ',''),$Domain -join '@') -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

The Get-RandomPassword function is a mock-up and currently only returns a string value.

Assign Users to Groups

Next, we use Get-GSUserList to get a list of all users in the parent OU, and then add the user to the group with Add-GSGroupMember.

$UserToGroupList = Get-GSUserList -SearchBase '/test' -SearchScope Subtree
foreach ($User in $UserToGroupList) {
    switch -regex ($User.OrgUnitPath) {
        'academics' { $GroupName = 'Academics'}
        'business' { $GroupName = 'Business'}
    try {
        Add-GSGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Member $User.User -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        'Added {0} to group {1}' -f $User.User,$GroupName
    catch {
        'Failed to add {0} to group {1}' -f $User.User,$GroupName

Listing All Email Addresses Including Aliases

When I commented on the Reddit post referenced above, it was with option 1. During the writing of this post, I created option 2 as a more real-world example of what data can be brought out of the GSUser object.

Option 1

This option uses the commands Get-GSUserList and Get-GSUserAlias to retrieve the data.

Get-GSUserList -SearchBase '/test' -SearchScope Subtree | ForEach-Object {
    Get-GSUserAlias -User $_.User | Select-Object -Property PrimaryEmail,AliasValue
PrimaryEmail AliasValue
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

Option 2

This option also uses the command Get-GSUserList, but it uses the more versatile command Get-GSUser to retrieve all pertinent data.

$UserList = Get-GSUserList -SearchBase '/test' -SearchScope Subtree | ForEach-Object {
    Get-GSUser -User $_.User | Select-Object -Property Name,PrimaryEmail,OrgUnitPath,Aliases,CustomSchemas,CreationTime,LastLoginTime
$Format = @{l='Name';e={$_.Name.FullName}},@{l='PrimaryEmail';e={$_.PrimaryEmail}},@{l='CreationTime';e={$_.CreationTime}},
    @{l='Aliases';e={$_.Aliases -join ','}},@{l='OrgUnitPath';e={$_.OrgUnitPath}},
$UserList | Select-Object $Format | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name PrimaryEmail CreationTime Aliases OrgUnitPath EmployeeType LastLoginTime
Donald Edwards [email protected] 3/3/2019 7:13:47 PM [email protected] /test/business Staff 12/31/1969 6:00:00 PM
Emily Jones [email protected] 3/3/2019 7:13:53 PM [email protected] /test/academics Faculty 12/31/1969 6:00:00 PM
Larry Brooks [email protected] 3/3/2019 7:13:56 PM [email protected] /test/academics Faculty 12/31/1969 6:00:00 PM
Leslie Myers [email protected] 3/3/2019 7:13:50 PM [email protected] /test/business Staff 12/31/1969 6:00:00 PM


Of course, you could easily send the data back into a Google sheet or export it to CSV or Excel.

$UserList | Select-Object $Format | Export-GSSheet -NewSheetTitle 'AccountCreationLog' -User '[email protected]' -SheetName 'AccountCreation' -Launch

And here is what the end result will look like.


Note: Doug Finke also has an outstanding module, ImportExcel, that will help you get your data into an Excel spreadsheet.


As you can see based on these relatively simple examples, there is a great deal of automation for a G Suite organization that you can perform using the PSGSuite module.

I hope these examples will help you understand how to start using the PSGSuite module, or at least have piqued your curiosity to learn more on your own.

If this blog post has helped you, please leave a comment below.

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